MSP Suppy Chain in Poultry Industry

Flocking Towards Digital Transformation

Providers of poultry meat and meat products need to digitalize as many processes as possible. Therefore, tracking throughout the whole supply chain is vitally important for optimizing the workflow.

Poultry companies cooperate with outsourced breeders. Feed supply which is usually taken care by the poultry company is often a matter of contracts. It is essential that the supply chain of poultry food is digitalized and optimized.

Breeders have fodder silos for storing poultry feed. Even though the amount is calculated based on the number of animals, there are deviations from the calculated number which cause problems in optimal planning.

There is a solution; noninvasive sensors can be placed in silos. They measure the amount of food that is consumed and provide accurate data in the real time. If there are any abnormal activities, alarms go off and notify the company (unexpected increase or drops of food amount, incorrect usage etc.).


Since planners have accurate data in real time, they can plan distribution more accurately. Transporting routes are optimized and documentation is digitalized and used on Android devices. Distributors fill-in forms directly on Android devices and when the event is finished, the data are directly transferred into the system. This reduce costs in the long run.

The solution brings:

  • Accurate supervision of poultry feed capacity.
  • Exact consumption data.
  • In-time delivery.
  • Automatization and optimization of delivery planning.

There are 2 parts of the project: telematic and program application support



  • Non-invasive sensors
  • Accuracy of consumption detection
  • Abnormal consumption recognition
  • Real-time reporting
MSP Supply Chain 2
  • Use of real-time data
  • Transport planning
  • Optimization od delivery
  • Delivery supervision
  • Consumption supervision
  • Cost calculation (distance, time, fuel)
  • ePOD (Electronic Proof of Delivery) and other e-documentation
  • Reporting
  • Communication between the back office and the field
  • Planned consumption vs. real consumption.

MSP Supply Chain improves work processes of:


  • Planning of poultry feed production based on accurate consumption data
  • Minimal supply of poultry feed


  • In-time delivery of poultry feed


  • Optimization of delivery
  • Accurate data on delivery
  • Paperless business performance
  • ePOD (Electronic Proof of Delivery) 


  • Highly automated planning
  • Batch traceability
  • Insight into delivery
  • Reporting
  • Cost calculation
  • Accurate consumption detection
  • Alarming in case of failure in delivery process

Contact us for more information.

+386 3 733 82 50