MSP mobile support for the local government is basically used in utility services, manages the assets and offers the support with sessions of the local council.
Daily tasks on the field – nothing easier!
The MSP solution works on a modern platform, where the client prepares business rules for his own needs. Mobile support for the local government makes daily tasks of field workers much easier since all necessary forms and business tasks can be carried out in MSP application on a smart device.
- Readings of project data.
- Carrying out service procedures.
- Inspection services.
- Documenting of tasks.
- Documentation (technical, marketing, internal).
- Delivery notification.
- Electronic issuing of documents on the field (delivery note, invoice, logs).
- Work and travel order, bill of landing.
- Inventory management.
- List of dumpsters, cesspools and ecological islands, status updating.

Simplified status monitoring of meters.
- Meter readings,
- replacement of meters,
- installation of meters,
- recording of the status,
- measurement organizing,
- geo-fencing.

Are processes in your company completely different?
Check out different ways how Mobile Service Platform can be used.
The solution is suitable for everyone, who want modern, dynamic environment and unified mobile business processes in one efficient platform without unnecessary big investments. To all, who want to focus on solving their own business problems as well as on their costumers’ wishes. To all, who want to provide their field working clients with the support of modern tablet or smartphone.