Finance, 21. December 2012 V podjetju i-Rose iz Laškega razvijajo sisteme i-Track Business Solutions za podporo vodenju poslovnih procesov pri proizvodnji, prodaji, vzdrževanju in upravljanju sredstev. Z njihovimi rešitvami podjetja obvladujejo poslovne procese, izboljšujejo produktivnost in znižujejo stroške poslovanja.
All Keg Paths Can Now Finally Be Tracked
Brauwelt, 17.8.2012 The Laško brewery is very much backing i-Rose technology in beer keg tracking With a yearly output of 1 million hectoliters, the Laško brewery in the spa of the same name is the largest brewery in Slovenia. Some 30% of the beer is exported particularly to the countries…
Monitoring reusable package with i-Track , 23.9.2009 At the Drinktec fair in Munich this year the company i-ROSE from Laško presented its own technological solution i-Track for managing different assets like reusable package, devices and machines. The solution is due to lower costs especially important in the time of the current crisis, for it…